Our mates at MINI thought you might be interested in this, it's a campaign there promoting for Mini. We are not sure if you've seen the new Ban Boredom, Mini ads on Telly? This is the internet equivalent. It allows you to drive a Mini throughout whatever you like!
Check it out: www.banboredom.com
Uncle Steve's holiday photos, the music of the pan pipes, we all have things that bore us to tears. If you can't handle the tedium any more there is now a way to take drastic action against your bugbears. Visit www.banboredom.com to spectacularly launch a MINI through the object of your boredom. Go on give it a go it is great fun and certainly brings a smile to face. Certainly better than trawling the internet for that long lost Mini photo
R56 Newest member of the family
5 hours ago
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